The final livery to be offered shows the two engines, Maunsell, DS 237 and Wainwright DS238 that had names given when going into departmental use. Again the green will be... read more →
The 4th livery on Minerva's USA tank shows the engines with the lined green livery as treated after works visits in the very late 1950s and 1960s. The sample shows... read more →
In the late 1950s, the BR crest was changed and this later type is shown in our third livery.
Chronalogically, the next livery to appear was again black, but with the early BR crest. Dating from overhaul from the late 1940s (?), it would be seen for around 10... read more →
After a delay, we are pleased to start showing the livery options on our forthcoming USA tanks. To start we have the very early prre-1948 black with 'Southern' lettering. The... read more →
As Minerva's range of models has grown, it has become more and more difficult to take the full range to exhibitions. With the arrival of the 56xx and the USA... read more →
Just a quick update to say the 56xx models are now all safely in our warehouse and we will be sending the first ones out via Royal Mail Tracked 24... read more →
With the kind permission of the 7mm Scale Society, we are now pleased to offer the Stephenson Clark liveried wagon to non members. Over 75% of these wagons went directly... read more →
An update on the 56xx delivery. Our shipping agents have confirmed that the models are due to dock at Felixatowe on the 29th December, so, allowing time to decant... read more →
One of the reasons the USA tank project is moving ahead so well is the regular communication Minerva has with both Chrezo and our factory. It was therefore a good... read more →
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