Shipping of the Minerva 0 gauge RTR GWR OPEN A 5-plank open wagon has started. Sadly, they will not arrive in time for Christmas and Chris B and Chris K... read more →
The Guildford 0 Gauge Group, which organises the Reading Trade Show, suggested that we extend the deadline for discounted orders for the Minerva RTR Class 14 Teddy Bear 0-6-0DH locomotive... read more →
Below are some photos of a Minerva Kerr Stuart VICTORY 0-6-0T that CK has recently weathered for a customer. The brief was to simulate the effect shown on the prototype... read more →
Just a quick update to say that the plain black Manning Wardles are on their way, and will definitely be with us next month. As mentioned before, these are a... read more →
We are delighted to announce two new products: a kit to convert the well-established Minerva GWR 0-6-0 pannier tank locomotive into the 97XX condensing version and limited edition of the Manning Wardle K Class 0-6-0 saddle-tank locomotive in plain black livery. 97XX Conversion Kit The eleven members of 97XX sub-class of the numerous 57XX/8750 were built in 1933 for working over the Metropolitan lines in London. They were fitted with condensing gear, short hybrid pannier/side tanks, the 8750 style cab and a water feed pump on the right hand side of the smokebox. A modified type of Automatic Train Control (ATC) shoe that could be lifted clear of the centre conductor rail on London Transport tracks and trip-cock apparatus were fitted. They replaced the 633 and Metro class tank locomotives. Later, when working over LT tracks ceased, the ATC and trip-cocks were removed, but the redundant condensing gear was left in place. The last members of the sub-class were withdrawn in 1964 and none have been preserved. The kit is designed to convert the established Minerva RTR 8750 pannier tank locomotive. The kit is made from a mix of resin, brass and whitemetal parts and also uses recycled fittings from the donor 8750 model. It will represent the members of the class that were not fitted with top-feed apparatus and will not include the ATC and trip-cock that were removed after the end of working over the LT lines. The photograph shows an early prototype of the kit. Price and release date are to follow. Limited Edition Black Manning Wardle K ... read more →
Minerva Model Railways will make some major announcements at Guildex Telford on 31st August/1st September 2019. Prototypes will be on display so come and see us on Stand 104 in... read more →
For some reason, we have not reported the work that Chris K has done converting one of our RTR Victories to the form modified in Great Western days with new,... read more →
We are delighted to announce the production of a finescale, injection-moulded 0 gauge model of the British Railways (BR) Class 14 0-6-0 diesel hydraulic locomotive in 7mm scale (1:43.5, for... read more →
Chris K has completed his first weathered Manning Wardle for a customer and we can post the photos now.
After fitting the first production sound chips and speakers, we found that with extra work, we could fit a larger speaker than that originally intended. The difference is noticeable, so... read more →
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