The Minerva O gauge BLUE CIRCLE and FERROCRETE cement vans have been very popular since their arrival in April.
Stock of BLUE CIRCLE vans is down to about 40 pieces. The number of FERROCRETE vans in stock is a little higher. We will not be producing a second re-run in the near future. The vans are GBP47.50 each plus GPB4 postage inclusive of VAT in the UK and EU.
You can order via telephone on 02920 531246 or 07775 782086, email to or directly from the internet shop
Would I be right in thinking I am late to the party on these and that they are all sold?
Hi Robert
Yes I’m afraid that the last ones went before Christmas. We have the last few Ferrocrete vans left, but these are moving steadily and will be finished before long.
Best wishes