As Minerva’s range of models has grown, it has become more and more difficult to take the full range to exhibitions. With the arrival of the 56xx and the USA tank due in a few months, we have taken the decision to limit some of the models available at shows.
From the Kettering exhibition we will have limited liveries of the Victory 0-6-0 tanks, the GWR panniers and Manning Wardles, together with very small numbers of Open As, Iron Minks and Gunpowder vans at shows. Siphons, Wooden Minks and the N32 wagons will be available , but in slightly fewer numbers than previously. We will have fairly good stocks of the Class 14s and 56xx 0-6-2s.
If you want a particular model in a particular livery, please let us know by February 27th as we can ensure that we put it aside for you and avoid disappointment. We will be travelling on the 28th February, so the Friday will be too late.
Finally details of the Kettering show are below, we hope to see you there.