Our factory and suppliers have, like everyone else, been beset with constant cost rises over the last 12 months or so, and these have often been passed on to us at the time. Whilst we have been able to absorb these up to now, we regret that we now have to amend our prices
Therefore there will be the following increases as from the 4th April 2022
1. The price of all sound fitted DCC models will increase by £25.00
2. The price of DCC only models will increase by £15.00
3. The price of the Class 14 DC only model will increase by £15.00
4. The price of the forthcoming Siphon Gs will increase by £15.00
5. The cost of postage will increase according to the service used.
The prices of our DC models of the Peckett, Victory, Pannier and Manning Wardle will not rise at this time, neither will the remaining Iron Minks, Open As and Wooden Minks.
All orders received up to 23.59 on the 3rd April will be supplied at the current price, including advance orders for the Siphon and Class 14s that are awaiting cabs.
We are very aware of the pressures that everyone will be under, but we are affected in the same way and hope that the current inflationary situation does not continue