After fitting the first production sound chips and speakers, we found that with extra work, we could fit a larger speaker than that originally intended.
The difference is noticeable, so we have made the decision to upgrade all sound fitted models to the new speaker.
It will take a couple of weeks to obtain the new speakers, but as this produces a better sounding model, we have taken the decision to do this.
We have managed to source a dozen of the new speakers, so the first customers to have ordered this variant will be receiving their models this week.
However we apologise for the delay for the greater majority, it must be very frustrating, but it will be worth the wait.
As from today, our online shop will be taking orders for the DC only models, as all advance orders have now been filled. If you have not received your DC model yet, please contact us to determine why we have not been able to send it….we have 3 customers whom we have not been able to contact.