The 4th livery on Minerva’s USA tank shows the engines with the lined green livery as treated after works visits in the very late 1950s and 1960s.
The sample shows the lining well, but two changes are being made to production models, namely the green will be in a lighter shade and the boiler and domes will also be in the same green. Many thanks to James Bunch for spotting the latter, and for showing us the 3 shades of green he has found on his 30064 – the actual one!!!

Chris good afternoon
Can you answer a question please
I have looked at quite a number of photographs of the USA tank locos and in every photograph I have looked at the underside of the boiler /tanks sit much closer to the chassis as such that daylight cannot be seen as in your model.
Is it my imagination or am I missing something
It depends on the angle you are looking at. The bottom of the boiler is level with the bottom of the tanks, and we have modelled this accurately. If you look slightly up or down on the model, then it appears that daylight has vanished, but if your angle of viewing is horizontal, then daylight is clear.