Our factory have advised that they are hoping that the recalcitrant pcbs will now be delivered on or before the 10th May. As we have learnt over the past months, the realisation could be different, but at least we have a date to look forward too. Once we get the pcbs, final assembly and quality checks will take a week or so, and we will then airfreight the first batch into the UK….avoiding the Suez canal!! Our hope is now that they will arrive before the end of next month, with despatch to customers starting immediately.
Production and packing of the Wooden Minks is now complete and we expect them to ship this week. These will come through the Suez Canal but we are assured that all will be well…….
Hi Chris, any news on the class 14’s?
Regards, Pete.
Hi Pete
We updated earlier this week with news on the Class 14. Go to either the ‘News’ section of the website or to our Facebook page.
Hope this helps