Perhaps the most accomplished model figure painter in the UK, Claudia Everett’s work has been available to purchasers of Minerva locomotives for over 2 years at a significant discount.
However all good things must come to an end, and with immediate effect the following prices come into force.
To supply and paint to order ModelU O gauge figures £15 per figure.
First class, signed for post and packing £5 for up to 5 figures, £6 for 6 to 10 figures.
If you supply the ModelU figures then
Paint only ModelU O gauge figures £10 each for 1 to 5 figures, £9 each for 6 or more figures.
First class, signed for post and packing £3 for 1 to 5 figures and £3.50 for 6 to 10 figures.
The quality of Claudia’s work is so good that she could charge a lot more, and we know that she will certainly not lack for work.